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4 Reasons Why Students Quit Music

4 Reasons Why Students Quit Music

Each year, a vast majority of students try to learn to play instruments with their school’s music program. However, only a year or two later, more than half of those students quit their musical studies. Parents believe that there are many reasons why a child might quit learning to play an instrument, such as: Hating...

Promotion Tips For The Independent Musician

Promotion Tips For The Independent Musician

If your goal this 2016 is to maximize the promotion of your music and boost your exposure, then it’s time to buckle down and prioritize your career. Here are some practical promotion tips for every level of indie musician: Your Best Promotional Tool? Google. Being an indie musician means having to devote a lot of...

How To Prioritize Music Practice

How To Prioritize Music Practice

There are some days where willpower just isn’t enough to get you through a practice session. The piece might be too challenging or you just might not be in the proper mood. When creating or sustaining a long-term habit, there are days where it’s easy to power through the obstacles, but there other days where...


2015 Holiday Showcase

Another show where our students’ progress and overwhelming success took our breath away! Way to go, Students– it’s clear your hard work has paid off. Our showcases feature students of all ages, backgrounds, and levels of experience: some students are pre-professionals honing their skills while others are performing in public for the very first time....

Music Practice Tips: How To Stop Procrastination!

Music Practice Tips: How To Stop Procrastination!

Everyone procrastinates, even the most seasoned musicians. Whether it’s the internet, a good TV show or even your favorite artist’s new album, there are endless ways to put off music practice for later. It can be beneficial to procrastinate once in a while, especially when you get stuck in a rut. Returning to a piece...


How to Overcome Stage Fright

Everyone who has ever performed on stage has felt nervous in their professional life. Whether it’s performing an instrument or singing solo, stage fright is a condition that affects anyone. One big step to overcoming stage fright is by preparing every day for the performance. Don’t procrastinate and wait until the last minute to prepare...


How to Develop & Improve Your Home Practice Routines

There’s a reason why the saying “Practice Makes Perfect” is repeated so often. It’s true for many applications, but when it comes to the world of music, the better quote should be “Proper Practice Makes Perfect”. After all, once you practice your pieces incorrectly, you’ll be performing them wrong as well! Whatever you’ll be doing...

How To Practice For Performance

How To Practice For Performance

For a well-rounded performance, don’t neglect the importance of expression, body language and stage presence. Find out some helpful tips that will improve your interpretation of pieces, projecting confidence, how you interact with the audience and so much more: Introducing Yourself & Audience Interaction One crucial step that many performers forget to prioritize is a...

Deliberate Practice for Musicians

Deliberate Practice: A Primer For Musicians

Everyone agrees that learning any skill or gaining expertise requires as much practice as you can possibly get. However, research has shown that it’s not just the frequency of practice that matters, but the quality of practice as well. This same study by K. Ericsson, a psychologist from Florida State University, has led to the strong belief...