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Performing Experience Matters
Everything you’ve ever done in life, you were once bad at. The fact of the matter is that the task doesn’t change– you just get better at it! Think back to something you were once afraid to do: from running a mile to taking that reach interview. Whatever it was, the first step toward your goal was probably deciding to be uncomfortable and persist toward your goal anyway. Music performance can be a similar challenge. Let’s break down some ideas that may help you take your musical journey to that next step: Performing is “optional”. Many students begin lessons with...

Can Anyone Learn to Sing?
Can’t carry a tune in a bucket? Terrified at the idea of letting your voice be heard by anyone else? Always felt left out watching seemingly natural singers perform? Good news: Anyone who can speak can sing. Although it’s 100% true that some people exhibit a more innate tendency toward musicality than others, it’s also true that all voices can improve (and most ears, too– TRUE tone deafness is very uncommon). Singing is nothing more than sustained speech. The ‘sustained’ part is one element that makes it tricky (maybe you’re heard of ‘breath control’ or ‘breath support’), and the fact...

What Can You Expect from Voice Lessons?
A knowledgeable resource to answer all your singing questions. Personalized technical exercises to address your weaknesses, expand your range, and create a more expressive vocal palette to draw from. Explanations tailored to your learning style and based in Fact-based Voice Science. Song coaching to amplify your strengths. Feedback to bring out your most compelling performances. Audition prep and stage fright counseling. Even Vocal Anatomy and Music Theory, per your interests, and the list goes on! Voice Lessons can be the holy grail you’ve been looking for. Receiving instruction on how to apply the more technical ideas you’ve read about, and...

Common Vocal Problems
Whether you’re coming to Singing Lessons for fun and self-expression or to fix something about your voice that bothers you, the process will be similar. With the support and encouragement of your knowledgeable teacher, you will gain the ability to self-assess and make small adjustments that promote better vocal efficiency. New singers are often surprised how quickly they start to notice minor details that are out of balance once their eyes are opened; sometimes this new and greater awareness can even make it feel like you get worse before you get better! But, rest assured, it’s all part of the...

Who to Trust with Your Voice
Choosing a teacher or studio to work with can be a big, important, and very personal decision for a vocalist. In a world where the study of singing has been around for generations, but where actual scientific study of the voice has only emerged in the last 20 years or so, there are many schools of thought on singing, often covering many extremes. So, who can you trust to help you get results and also provide an enjoyable experience? Let’s break down some important elements to consider when seeking out vocal learning: Musical Styles: Of all the teachers and music...

Give The Gift Of Music For The Holidays
During the holiday season, everyone is encouraged to live the old adage of giving rather than receiving. For musicians and performers, sharing their talents is a great way to spread cheer and give back to the community and those who need it. No matter your background, there are multiple ways to volunteer your time and talents. Aside from being able to cheer people up and feel personal fulfilment, you’ll be getting a lot of welcome practice that will benefit you as a performer. Entertaining Those In Need Many establishments in Washington, DC, openly welcome entertainment from the public during the...

What is a Masterclass?
Masterclasses are collaborative learning events, where singers, pianists, and guitarists get the opportunity to perform for one another and receive coaching in real-time in front of an audience of their peers. If that sounds terrifying to you, worry not! The true beauty of Masterclasses is that– even if you’re not ready to be in the hot seat– the entire community learns and experiences growth together. Perhaps it’s most obvious how the performer grows; they have the experience of putting their skills on display, realizing what works or doesn’t work in front of a live audience, and maybe even what unexpected...

Warming Up
Because the anatomy of our voices is effectively invisible to us, it can be easy to dismiss as some mysterious thing that just sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. Of course, the reality of keeping your singing voice in optimal shape is that caring for the vocal apparatus, and even training the tiny muscles associated with this use, is essential to vocal reliability and longevity. Just like with exercising any other part of your body, spending a few minutes on simple activities to prime the muscles can greatly influence your success, satisfaction, and safety while singing. Did you know that ‘warming...