Author: Cardon Studios

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Music: The Gift That Lasts A Lifetime

Throughout our years as DC’s neighborhood music school, we have been regular witnesses to how much happiness music brings to people of all ages and backgrounds. Seeing the smiles of students who play new pieces, gain more confidence with their talents or see a marked improved in their skills makes us feel a joy that can’t...

Benefits of Acoustic Piano over Digital Piano

Benefits of Learning on an Acoustic Piano

While an electric keyboard or a digital piano is a great practical substitute when an acoustic piano is not available, such as for your home practice between lessons, there are still various features and learning benefits to traditional instruments that can’t be easily met by their digital counterparts. Considering upgrading your home instrument? We recommend...

Essential Items For Back To School Music Lessons

Essential Items For Back To School Music Lessons

Back to school shopping is in full force but if you haven’t shopped for music supplies  yet – it’s not too late! Whether your child is taking music lessons in school, or you’re returning to music as an adult, it’s the perfect time to make sure that all the essentials necessary to succeed within the...

Why You Should Take Summer Music Lessons

Why You Should Take Summer Music Lessons

Summer break is a highlight of many a kid’s (and adult’s!) life. Having no school means no assignments, projects or needing to wake up early every weekday. This doesn’t mean all learning should stop, however. Continuing music lessons throughout the summer makes a huge difference with progress. Not only is it much easier to work...

Workplace Tips - Ambient Noise and Lyricless Music

Workplace Tips: Ambient Noise and Lyricless Music

When a creative task needs to be done, whether it involves language, music or visual arts, atmospheric music can work wonders. Researchers have seen that a moderate noise level is best, but a slight volume bump can make it very difficult to concentrate. Overwhelming basses and insufferable synths are much more distracting and will do...

Hidden Advantages For Adult Music Lessons

Hidden Advantages For Adult Music Lessons

How many times have you heard someone say, “I wish I had learned to play a musical instrument as a child.”? You might have even said this yourself! But just because you weren’t able to play it when you were young, it doesn’t mean it’s too late. Not only are adult music lessons very rewarding,...

How Music Affects Productivity

How Music Affects Productivity

While music is thought of as one of the most triumphant creations in human history, does music itself help someone to create? This is a question that has been asked increasingly often, ever since music has become a staple in the modern office space. With so many hours spent at the workplace and so much...

Music At Work

Music at Work: Which Styles Work Best?

When it comes to music at work that helps boost productivity, choosing genres that you already like is usually given preference. But when you’ve been feeling like your choices have been distracting you or if you can’t decide what styles to listen to due to a wide range of taste, take a look at these...

Voice Lessons Are For Actors Too

Voice Lessons Are For Actors Too!

Are you an experienced theater actor hoping to take your skills to the next level? Maybe you’re a beginner who wants to develop your skills as effectively and efficiently as you can. One way to do so is by taking voice lessons. Yes, voice lessons! Contrary to popular opinion, vocal lessons are not limited to...

Why Every Adult Should Take Group Music Classes

Why Every Adult Should Take Group Music Classes

It’s easy to disregard music classes as a frivolous expense once we reach adulthood. Many young professionals might also be intimidated at the thought of branching out into a new field, but more end up looking for excuses not to sign up for a group music class. However, many scientific studies have shown that taking...