Stumbling upon a great website that features the daily routines of famous creative people and seeing how different their schedules are makes it easy to realize that there’s no magic formula to artistic success. Whether you have an extremely rigid and scheduled day like Richard Strauss or practice during late nights and early mornings after having fun with friends a la Mozart, what’s important is that you make sure to practice every single day.
Aside from learning about the everyday rituals of the creative masters, it’s always helpful to read insightful articles about their top habits. One of the most important habits of famous musicians is to find solitude. We could go on about the benefits of having your own quiet space and time, but we’ll let our favorite composers do the talking:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
“When I am, as it were, completely myself, entirely alone, and of good cheer–say, traveling in a carriage or walking after a good meal or during the night when I cannot sleep–it is on such occasions that my ideas flow best and most abundantly.”
One of the most known and prolific composers of all time, Mozart created more than 600 pieces. Many of these works have been acknowledged as the peak of chamber, symphonic and operatic music. Discussions of the Classical era aren’t commplete without mentions of Mozart and it isn’t surprising that his name is one of the most enduring of all composers. The above quote is just one of many where he expounds upon the importance of solitude to let the ideas flow.
Joseph Haydn
Born and raised in beautiful Austria just like Mozart, Haydn served as a court musician for a Hungarian family on their faraway estate for most of his career. Haydn was an original composer by force, but his being isolated from the musical trends of his time until later on in his life led to several great compositions.
While reflecting on your music by yourself is a good habit to make, balancing that with participation can mean greater success. Connecting and collaborating other artists is an effective way to grow and be musically inspired. It’s one reason why we love going to group classes and interacting with fellow musicians!
What are your daily musical must-haves? Do you power through 8 hours of practice after a cup (or two, or three) of coffee just like Beethoven? Maybe you have some back-to-school essentials just like in our blog post. Leave a comment below!