As a singer, you likely know how important being in touch with your body awareness is. Perhaps you’ve noticed the effects of jaw or tongue tension on your sound, or know that you have a habit of slumping and impeding your ability to take in a full, comfortable breath. Maybe you’ve thought about your posture,...
Author: Cardon Studios
Lifelong Singing
Singing is a great joy to carry through your entire life. However, there are some important considerations to keep in mind at all stages of life– from early childhood singing straight through the aging voice– in order to maintain vocal health, comfort, and flexibility. Children’s Voices If your little one loves to sing, encourage it!...
If you’re struggling with the difficulty of singing something you’ve always wanted to master, we’ve got good news! Singing well is not about trying harder. Instead, singing well is 100% about working smarter and finding ease and freedom. After seeing high level performers give it their emotional all on stage, amateur singers often misjudge the...
Conquer Your Stage Fright
Stage fright is easily the most common roadblock that keeps singers from putting their art out into the world. Even when sharing a pre-recorded video, those familiar anxieties might flare up and make a singer second guess themself! But, the fact of the matter is that this is one challenge whose best escape route is...
Supplemental Learning for Singers
Thanks to the recurring request from our AMAZING students (you over-acheivers, you!), please find the following suggested reading list, a compilation of our favorite voice science and/or pedagogy books to help bolster your confidence as a voice-owner and user. These tools are wonderful side-bars to the work you’re already doing in lessons under your teacher’s...
Vocal Gymnastics: Singing Multiple Styles
While a ballet dancer often trains in modern or hip-hop technique as well, Cross-training is a relatively new phenomena in the study of Singing. Perhaps brought about by the inclusion of more types of music on the Broadway stages starting around the 1980s, professional singers are now more commonly asked to be flexible in moving...
Vocal Effects: Singing Authentically
It’s a common misconception that singing with good, healthy technique might not be possible for all styles of music, particularly hard rock or heavy metal (though even Musical Theatre Belting can be dangerous if not approached properly). Fortunately, we now know (thanks to advances in exercise science that better allow us to study the muscles...
Mastery Through Mindfulness
You might think that singing is closer to an athletic feat than it is to meditative practice, but think again! Although it’s true that the physical muscle coordination necessary to sing at a high level requires a solid workout, you may be surprised to learn that building body awareness is the first major step in...
Tools of the Trade
Welcome, Pianists and Guitarists! [Singers, click here to view recommendations from Cardon Voice.] Our students often ask for recommendations for basic equipment to enhance their lesson experience. Below are some suggestions that may help you maximize your learning. We’ve got tips for those of you wondering how to shop for the best digital pianos (or...
Create Success in 2021
Happy New Year! Whether you’ve toiled away in 2020 or are just getting started, the new year means the same thing: take a look at where you are and where you’re going. Although everyone’s musical journey is unique, we can all benefit from goal setting. To help you kick off 2021 on the right foot,...